How to Turn Off Instagram Business Account

Are you looking for ways to turn off Instagram business account? Then, discover the easiest methods to do so in this blog post.

Instagram is one of the popular platforms where you can share videos, photos, and reels with a vast audience for social media benefits.

With its ever-evolving array of features, Instagram offers users a diverse range of tools and functionalities beyond simply sharing images.

These features allow users to express themselves, connect with others, and even promote businesses.

You can also promote your business by adding posts on Instagram from the computer, sharing them with your friends and people worldwide, and enjoying good exposure.

But if you want to turn off your business account, scroll down the article and get the step-by-step guideline to turn off Instagram business account.

Let’s get started!!

What is an Instagram Business Account?

turn off instagram business accountRegarding professional accounts on Instagram, users have two options: Creator Accounts and Business Accounts. Each account type caters to specific needs and goals.

The Creator Account is specifically designed for individuals who are content creators, influencers, or public figures.

This type of account provides additional features and insights tailored to help creators better understand their audience and evaluate the performance of their content.

However, if you want to view private Instagram profiles anonymously, then you can do it easily just read our article.

The Business Account is tailored for businesses and brands that want to establish an online presence on Instagram.

This account type offers features specifically designed to support businesses, such as running ads, accessing Instagram Insights for analyzing audience demographics and content performance, and adding contact buttons to facilitate communication with customers.

Creator and Business accounts provide valuable tools and insights to their respective users. Still, they cater to different needs based on whether the user is an individual content creator or a business/brand.

Also, you can create and manage multiple Instagram accounts which helps to you to explore your different ideas on social media.

So let’s start with how to turn off Instagram business account in 2023.

How to Turn Off Instagram Business Account?

turn off instagram business accountTurning off Instagram Business Account is as easy as switching on and off a fan, which means just a button away.

Here’s a step-by-step process to follow to turn off Instagram business account.

Step 1. Go to Your Profile

Tap on the Profile icon at the screen’s bottom right corner. This will take you to your Instagram profile.

Step 2. Access the Account Settings

On your profile, tap the three horizontal lines (hamburger icon) at the screen’s top right corner. This will open the side menu.

Step 3. Navigate to Settings

Scroll down the side menu and find the “Settings” option. Tap on it to access the Instagram settings.

Step 4. Open Account Settings

Within the Settings menu, scroll down until you find the “Account” section. Tap on it to open the account settings.

Step 5. Manage Account Types

Under the Account settings, you should see an option called “Account Type.” Tap on this option to manage your account type.

Step 6. Turn Off

You will have different options in the account types settings, such as Creator, Business, or Personal account. Select the option to switch back to a regular Instagram account.

Step 7. Confirm the Switch

Instagram may provide some information about the benefits of having a business account. Review the report and tap “Continue” or “Switch Back” to confirm your decision.

Step 8. Provide Feedback (Optional)

Instagram might ask you for feedback about why you’re switching back to a personal account. You can choose to provide feedback or skip this step.

Step 9. Verify the Account Type Change

After confirming, you will be taken back to your account settings page. Verify that your account type has been switched to a personal account by checking the account type displayed.

And you’re done!

Reasons to Turn Off Instagram Business Account

People might turn off Instagram business account for several reasons.

A few common reasons are:

1. Limited Resources and Time

turn off instagram business accountRunning a business account on Instagram demands consistent content creation, engagement with followers, and staying up-to-date with the social media platform’s features.

You have to update the content with the latest creations and ideas. If a business lacks the resources or time to manage the account effectively, it may turn it off and allocate those resources elsewhere.

2. Privacy Concerns

turn off instagram business accountBusiness accounts on Instagram may expose certain information, such as contact details or insights, which some businesses prefer to keep private.

In such cases, privacy concerns are most important for our account.

Turning off a business account & switching to a personal can provide more privacy and control over shared information.

3. Rebranding or Restructuring

turn off instagram business accountIf a business undergoes a rebranding or restructuring process, it may deactivate the existing business account.

So you can create a new one that aligns with the updated brand identity or structure.

After creating a new account you can do branding your business properly.

Final Take

If you have been finding ways to turn off Instagram business account, you can successfully do so with the step-by-step guide.

But it would help if you kept in mind that some features available in the business accounts, such as insights and contact buttons, may no longer be accessible after switching to a regular account.

Manoj Surkar
A blogger by profession, I am passionate about new Games, Technology and SEO Techniques. I'm pro-encryption and enjoys my privacy. When not blogging, I enjoy watching web series and other blogs or planning a never-ending vacation.


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